Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Guilt of Garbage

I have a hard time throwing things away. I admit it. I hate throwing away a baking soda box because I can't recycle it. When I was in 5th grade, my teacher, a well meaning man, went on an enviromentalist rampage at our class. I will never use aerosol hairspray again. And I will always feel guilty when I throw something away that I could have recycled. For instance: I send a single serve applesauce to school with my daughter for lunch. She eats most of it, but leaves some in the container and then puts it back in her lunch pack. Besides making huge mess of the lunch container, the applesauce gets all dried in this container. I pull it out 3 days later and then the debate in my head starts. Do I just toss it? Do I let it soak for two days in the sink and recycle it? On one hand I just want the mess to be gone. On the other hand, I don't want that container sitting in my sink for two days. Seriously. Get a grip woman! Oh the guilt of garbage.

And don't even get me started about throwing away a pair of pants that are perfectly fine except for a little hole in the knee. Yikes!

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