Monday, November 5, 2007

Yard Sale!!

It's been awhile, with good reason. I have been BUSY clearing the clutter. It feels wonderful! One victory after another. Last night the house was a mess (again!) and so I decided it was time to clean up. Well after 15 minutes I looked around wondering what else to do. My house was clean already! Eek! Granted it wasn't sparkling, but the floor was cleared. And all the clutter catchers were relatively clean. It was great!

So today we went into the shed. Yes, I did almost cry. My friend kept telling me "It's not that bad! I've seen worse on Clean Sweep!" After awhile though she did say "You DO have a lot of toys." We worked for a couple hours before the baby was tired of being out there (because he can't crawl around) and we just could not do much more before clearing the toys. I think I am going to have a contractor bag full of trash just from the toys. We did haul out 2 ginormous stuffed contractor bags and two broken chairs. And oodles of cardboard.

And this brings me to my title. Yard Sale. Yep I am having a yard sale. This weekend!Just as the snow begins to fly, I am having a yard sale. If it doesn't sell, it's going to goodwill. Gone. Goodbye!! And my parents are coming to bring me a piece of equipment that needs to go in the shed. I am working under a deadline and I love it!!