Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Women's Liberation and the Dress

Around here it has been hotter than a hoochie (explain that phrase to a 7 year old! Eeeck!) and I'm 7 months pregnant. One of our air conditioners broke and I'm supposed to be packing. I am one hot mama. And I'm not talking sexy hot. I am HOT. Enter the dress. I honestly have no idea what those Women's liberation girls were thinking when they wanted to wear pants like the big boys. I made myself two dresses from some yardage that I had stowed away in my sewing stuff. They are huge tent dresses, and I love them. I have air circulation built in under my clothes. It's wonderful! Pants? Oh ugh. My goodness, I'm getting to the point where I can't bend over in pants, it pinches me in weird places. I love my dress.

When we go out and I am in my dress I'm sure we get a few looks. There are a few religious sects around here that believe that women should where a dress or skirt all the time. I am not of that belief, but I sure do believe in the power of a dress. Oh my. I am not confined to pants. I am not stifling in pants. It's a heck of a lot easier to pee. And getting dressed in the morning? Oh so easy. Roll out of bed, remove night shirt, contain the twin peaks and throw on a dress. Whew. Done. That sure was easy.

Of course, I do not sing this tune in the winter, but it sure works nice for now. I am also beginning to understand the value of an apron. Those sure probably came in handy when gardening and washing dishes and all sorts of household chores.

I suppose I am old fashioned. Don't get me wrong, the Women's Lib movement did a lot for women in the aspect of just being able to work if necessary and other rights that needed to happen, but I do believe that most (not all) women would be quite content with a domestic lifestyle given the proper support. When I say support I mean financially and emotionally. As in a man who takes his responsibilties seriously as provider. And emotional support, other women. I think every woman needs a good friend and forgiving sound board.

The rat race of society is degenerating at epic proportions and it appears as though it is only going to get worse because we don't support each other as people. A society based on the sole goal of money mongering or attention getting will never thrive. It's all about people. Money will not last forever ever. The cameras will eventually break, but relationships with those we love can be nourished and loved and can grow. And offer a hand of support back in times of need. This is not true of all things.

Now I must sign off for a time, I think we are going to try to pack the desktop computer today, which means I will only be able to use the laptop, and I hate typing on the micro keyboard.

Stay good, choose the better part and love all that surrounds you. (In other words, if you don't love it, purge it. Unless it is a person. Then you gotta work on repairing that relationship if possible.)

Signing out.

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