Saturday, August 16, 2008

U-Haul Boxes

Ah, the wonderful sound of silence. I have but a few moments to jot down some thoughts before I embark on packing yet again. I've been out of town on a trip and just got back the night before last. Now I must begin to pack. And packing I am.

This morning as I was loading a box, I noticed on the top some very specific wording. U-Haul has been doing some interesting campaigning to re-use their boxes. Plastered on the side of every size box is "Re-use this box! Don't throw it in the trash! Save a tree!" and lots of other helpful hints about what to do with the boxes when you are done moving. I applaud them in this effort, as re-using their products might mean less profits for them, but much better for the environment. Now, back to the wording. On the top of the boxes there are 4 different little "sections" if you will, that have a little list of where the box should go when you get to your destination. The sections are titled "First Use" and then (here is the interesting part to me) "First Re-use". Not second use, but first re-use. And then Second Re-use and Third Re-use. Why not first, second, third and fourth? Why the conscious effort of the word re-use? Perhaps it is part of their campaign for you to re-use the box. And maybe people just didn't like the idea of being the 4th user of a box. After giving it some thought, I wonder how long a bunch of people sat in a meeting bickering about the wording on top of a box. How much were they paid to do that? Meanwhile, I still get a little confused when I go to write on my boxes. First use or first re-use, they look amazingly similar and are right next to each other. Wish I coulda been in on that meeting.

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