Friday, August 1, 2008

My Angry Afghan

I think when I am settled into my new home, I am going to start a new afghan. And whenever I feel the need to vent or am worked up about something, I am going to crochet on my angry afghan. Why? Well, there is somethings soothing about twisting yarn about itself in a manner that creates something. And if I have a specific project to take out my frustration on, then I can just give it away when it is done. Then I will not see the memories of angst that I felt while working on it. They will be gone. It will be a way of funneling my frustration into something useful. Of course, this won't work too well if I sit down to crochet and then my 3 year old starts whining about wanting a peanut butter sandwich, and the toddler starts tugging at the yarn (because heaven forbid Mom work on a project uninterrupted, especially one involving cloth or yarn, his two most favorite things in the world). And then in a couple months I'm sure the baby will train herself to wake up and start crying the minute I put my feet up. Because that's the why life is. My angry afghan will turn into a very angry afghan.

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