Thursday, July 31, 2008

Is any one out there? ...and Baby Clothes

Since I have had one comment on this entire blog since, oh, last year sometime, I often wonder if anyone is reading at all. Not that it matters, because heck, if you are reading, then there is the potential hazard of you actually knowing me. So anyway, I guess I am wondering if I have an audience, or this is just an online journal? What difference does it make, not much. Nothing would change. I aspire to write to the masses, truly. Maybe you could leave a comment.....

Now on to the purge topic of the day. Baby clothes. I am pregnant. I believe myself to be pregnant with a girl. The ultrasound was pretty convincing, and I am puffing up like a marshmallow like I did with my first girl. Girls make me swell and boys make my heart do funky stuff. I fully believe it to be hormones. To continue, this is baby number five. I'm also convinced that it is the LAST baby. Why? Well, five kids in seven years is rather draining. I'm done. Really. (I know, you watch, in two years I will be knocked up again. Yes, I've eaten words before and I'm sure it will happen again) So I'm having a girl. I have loads and loads of boy clothes from having three boys in a row. The youngest being only 17 months old right now. I am a saver of clothes because until recently, I have never possesed the ambition or talent for shopping. It is not one of my strong suits and often my wardrobe needs have been filled by someone else who DOES like to shop. I save all the baby clothes. Well, I did until a few months ago. When my last little boy outgrew his itty bitty clothes, I went through them and actually gave some away. I kept only the clothes I loved. All the little outfits and ugly things that people had given to me, I passed on to the next person to love. I did not love them. Notice I didn't say ALL the baby clothes, just the ones I didn't LOVE. I still have a few bins full of baby clothes, that I LOVE. This presents a problem, because I am not moving something I don't need. I do not plan on needing all these little boy clothes, but I LOVE them. I need to pass them on, sell them, something, because I need girl clothes now. I tried saving my first daughter's things, but she is 7 now. And we've moved a few times, and everytime we do, a few more things go. And even if I had saved everything, it's all in the wrong season. And heck, it may not even fit this little girl like it did my first! We have two very different body types in our family.

Well, thanks for listening. I've talked myself through it and I'm ready to send a few more away. I still will be toting little boy clothes around for a little bit, but maybe not as many. But oh to hold an outfit in your hands and remember how small and squirmy they used to be. What a piece of nostalgia. It never lasts.

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