Monday, October 15, 2007

Burn Out

I am pooped. Wiped out. BURNED OUT. I don't know how much more of this I can do. I'm exhausted. Of course it's not all from the decluttering. The baby is not sleeping the best. It's wiping me out. I have no ambition to clean my house when I feel like a walking zombie.

I don't even know if it is working. Last night we had company for dinner. This morning my wonderful husband loaded the dishwasher before everyone got up. I feel so slovenly.

Take Away My Junk. Ha. Ha. HA. I think I may have to sign off for awhile. I feel like I haven't made any progress. But I have. My daughter couldn't find any clothes this morning for school.

What a walking oxymoron I am right now. I am so tired I can't see straight. I sure that this isn't even comprehendable. What does it matter? I don't think anyone but me reads it anyway. How uninspiring I am.

Today's goal is to do laundry and get is put away. Then I must start attacking the paperwork clutter. Bills are due today, I know where they are at but I really have no idea how much money we have. Our budget has gone out the window. Ugh ugh UGH!!!

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