Friday, December 12, 2008

Hormonal Hell

Let me tell ya, having a baby messes with your hormones. Not getting enough sleep messes with your hormones. Not eating properly messes with your hormones. Lack of activity messes with 'em. Exercising messes with 'em. Birth control messes with 'em. So in a perfect world, free of mood altering brain chemicals, we would never have babies, always get the perfect amount of sleep, eat like we live in the garden of Eden, and have the perfect balance of physical activity. Right?

So yesterday, I was on the down low. Teary, angry, upset. In general I was not having a good day. Last night I did not sleep well, at all. I went to bed late because I wasn't tired, and had a hard time falling asleep. The baby didn't wake up until 5 AM which helped a lot, but let me tell you, I did a lot of clock peeping between 1:30 and 5.

Then this morning. Everything I have thus stated so far should indicate that I woke up a bear, and I am grumpy as a wet hornet. On the contrary though! I laid in bed nursing my baby until 7:30. When I woke up, I was not groggy. I have been happy, nay, I have been CHEERFUL! It's sick and wrong. I have eaten my breakfast, unloaded the dishwasher, started the laundry and washed my hair. It's only 9:30.

Hormones. Gotta love 'em.

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